Always looking your best is now a reality and well within your control. Wherever you decide to spend your vacation, you can feel confident that your makeup will remain in place. Permanent makeup will not smudge, run, drip, change shape or disappear into a pool of perspiration.

Whether you are an active gym bunny, a budding golf pro, flying down the ski slopes at Tiffindell, Aspen or Chamonix – or simply just enjoying quality family fun time at the beach – let’s face it – the last thing you need be concerned about is whether half your eyebrow has disappeared… Or if your lipstick, beautifully applied this morning, has lost its shape and colour… Eyeliners too will remain perfectly in place – never letting you down!

In a nutshell, permanent makeup is a non-surgical procedure whereby a tiny amount of micro-pigment is gently placed just under the top layer of the skin. The skin heals over the implanted pigment effectively sealing the colour and creating a waterproof barrier.
The objective is to create a safe, subtle enhancement which, when applied by a competent practitioner, should appear much like professionally applied makeup – giving you several years of care-free, waterproof, run-and-smudge-proof wear.
Just as your skin requires protection from the scorching sun, so too your PMU needs special consideration when spending a day in the sun. In order to improve the longevity of your PMU, wear a hat/cap and apply a layer of good quality sunscreen to protect the areas.
Natural permanent enhancements for ladies (and gents) include, amongst many others, microblade/powder eyebrows, designer eyeliners or simple lash enhancement, specialised lip treatments – including scar and harelip correction. YOU decide whether you require a natural appearance or a more dynamic colour option. My procedure and pigments (which are specifically formulated for permanent makeup) will deliver between 3 to 10 years of trouble-free wear.
Get your runway-ready look today!
For more information on permanent procedures offered, as well as pictures of permanent makeup results, or to simply book an appointment, complete the booking form below.
Look fabulous today and every day!
For more information on permanent procedures offered, as well as before and after pictures of permanent makeup results, or to simply book an appointment, complete the below booking form. All procedures are performed in accordance with international safety standards at an advanced level.

To set up a confidential consultation –
please complete the online booking form
Or simply call 011 704-3086.
Johannesburg Studios:
BelAir Shopping Mall, Northriding
All Appointments strictly by appointment.
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