Pregnancy is all about eliminating any risks that may be of harm to the foetus over the nine month period. During pregnancy a women goes through drastic body changes relating to blood circulation, blood pressure, hormonal fluctuations, weight gain, etc. – all of which put the immune system under huge strain. Much like the need to stay away from certain foods, and obviously drugs and alcohol, permanent make-up procedures (or any tattoos) also pose a threat during pregnancy. Although it isn’t absolutely proven to be unsafe, it is highly inadvisable as there are many factors during the tattoo process that open up a can of worms for risk, regardless of how safe the permanent make-up studio is or how clean the instruments are.
A tattoo is technically a wound to the skin that takes time and nurturing to heal properly. Under normal circumstances this is a simple procedure, however the immune system of a pregnant woman could be somewhat compromised and therefore the risk of contracting a blood infection (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus or HIV) from contaminated instruments is heightened. Once contracted, treating these infections is very difficult as most medications are contra-indicated during pregnancy.
A weakened immune system also prolongs the healing time and increases the chances of skin infections like Staphylococcus. Although skin infections are easier to treat with various topical creams, any change in fluid that suggests a bacterial infection, provokes the risk of your baby contracting a secondary infection.
Stress and anxiety are a big consideration during pregnancy as the foetal brain is extremely vulnerable, especially during the first trimester. During this time, the neurons multiply, develop and attach themselves to one another to form the structure of the brain. Getting a tattoo, and more specifically permanent make-up, automatically raises your stress and anxiety levels and induces unnecessary stress on the baby which can lead to, amongst other things, a premature birth, low birth weight and developmental delays.
Besides for the health risks, getting permanent make-up while pregnant can also negatively affect your appearance. Undergoing a permanent make-up procedure involves injecting ink into the upper dermis layer of the skin – a process that can lead to an undesirable effect post-pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body tends to retain a substantial amount of fluid, making the skin swell and stretch. Tattooing on swollen skin will result in facial features that appear distorted and out of shape once your pregnancy is over and your body has ditched the extra fluid.

Although the risks associated with tattooing during pregnancy are highly improbable, they are still present and it is important to take precautionary measures to avoid undue harm to yourself and your unborn child. During pregnancy, emotions run high and often women tend to feel insecure about their body image. In efforts to rectify these feelings, procedures like permanent make-up become even more desirable, and understandably so. Despite the strong urge to book an appointment with your PMU Artist, it really is best to wait the few months until the pregnancy and breastfeeding periods are over.