Frequently Asked Questions regarding SMP (Scalp MicroPigmentation)
Will the micropigmentation look realistic?
The scalp micropigmentation looks super natural – a youthful stubble-like appearance – like a close-shaved head. Every effort is made to ensure the best possible realistic outcome – we do a pigment colour match which delivers the most favourable result.
How many follow up procedures would be required?
Usually the initial procedure plus TWO. In some cases THREE follow-up sessions are required to achieve a denser appearance. Thereafter, whenever you feel ready for a follow up session – you are welcome to book at any time. An annual checkup is highly recommended in order to maintain a flawless result.
Do you add pigments gradually over 2-3 sessions or would you do the complete procedure in one sitting?
The majority of micropigmentation is implanted during the initial procedure. Second and third appointments will ensure a natural and seamless flow throughout and that the pigments have settled and healed evenly. The staggered appointments also delivers an increased natural appearance due to layering of the pigments.
Can I can still swim and participate in sporting activities?
Exposure to the sun will cause the pigments to fade quicker – especially over extended time. Should you wish to swim in full sunlight – it would be advisable to wear a swimming cap. When participating in other sporting activities, wherever possible, simply wear a cap or hat in order to extend the life of the pigments. No water contact or washing for the first 8 days. No sea water (salt) for the first 3 to 4 weeks please.
Does the pigmentation blotch after some time or does it just fade?
The pigmentation should certainly not ‘blotch’ – a gentle and gradual fading of the overall pigmentation is inevitable as the skin naturally exfoliates every 4 weeks. Remember, a follow up session may be done at any time. In my experience, an electric shaver (clipper) is the preferred method of cutting the hair post-treatment. I have found that continuous daily shaving of the head with a manual razor causes the scalp skin to shed at a higher rate and therefore negatively affects the longevity of your SMP.
Is the application a once off session?
At least 2 or 3 refinement appointments are required in order to both ensure that the pigmentation has healed evenly (i.e. to even out any uneven sections of the scalp) also to create the most natural looking 3D appearance and to ensure an enhanced longevity of the procedure.
How long would the application last until fading?
The answer to this depends largely on your post scalp micropigmentation care. The post-care will be explained in depth at the time of your procedure and it is imperative to protect the scalp from the sun by way of both sunscreens and either a hat or cap every time you step outside. Provided that you comply with this protection and ensure an annual follow up session is attended – the micropigmentation procedure will continue to deliver.
Does the application impede existing follicle activity?
As a matter of fact (see Scalp Microneedling before/after photographic proof attached below), the SMP process will stimulate any existing follicles and may even prompt spontaneous hair re-growth. We have witnessed the SMP to stimulate follicle growth previously considered ‘dormant’. It must be stated that in the below before/after pics – this client was microneedled (as opposed to micropigmented) with the use of specific protocols (including PRP) – as you can see the result was magnificent! Should you wish to explore the microneedling process to ascertain whether your natural hair growth may be prompted, it is advisable to undergo this treatment prior to performing scalp micropigmenting (SMP may always be done at a later stage). You would know within 8 – 12 weeks whether or not the follicles will spontaneously grow or not. Regretfully, it is impossible to predict the success outcome of the microneedling procedure as each case is unique.

Please send your questions either on the ENQUIRE form alongside or email us at
alternatively, please call our office on (011) 704-3086 to discuss your situation.
We’d love to hear from you!